NJSDC Vice Chair Delgado: Progressive Women Leaders Reject 'Fake' Legislative Compromise

NJSDC Vice Chair Lizette Delgado-Polanco sent out the following email statement:

Yesterday, legislative leaders proposed what they called a “compromise” offer on the state budget that included a tax increase on millionaires. However, the truth is that this offer was woefully insufficient and it would only generate a fraction of the revenue necessary to fund progressive priorities. Governor Murphy, the leader of our State and our Party, rightly rejected this offer and called on legislative leaders to agree to a real Millionaire’s Tax.

In response to the Senate and Assembly Leadership’s counter budget proposal, a group of progressive women leaders issued the following statement:

“As members of the progressive community and leaders in our state, we are profoundly disappointed in Democratic leadership and their continued insistence on protecting and promoting the interests of millionaires over our communities and families. The tiny 'mega-millionaires tax' proposed yesterday is merely ornamental. It leaves a gaping hole in our budget and and it's an insult to our communities. We reject the assertion of Senate and Assembly Leadership that this farcical proposal lives up to anyone’s progressive values, and instead denounce these legislators for failing to represent the interests of their constituents or even fellow legislators. Their irresponsible actions have set us on the path towards a state government shutdown that will lock out tens of thousands of workers, and denies services to the public. The fact that the Senate has cancelled it’s session tomorrow is more proof that the fault for such a state shutdown will lie squarely at the feet of the 'Democratic' legislature.”

Sheila Oliver, Lt. Governor of New Jersey
Tammy Murphy, First Lady of New Jersey
Alison Arne, Action Together New Jersey, Atlantic County
Amy Higer, SOMA Action
Analilia Mejia, New Jersey Working Families Alliance
Ann Vardeman, New Jersey Citizen Action
Anna Wong, Indivisible District 5
Atiya Boone
Ayesha Mughal, Central Jersey DSA
Carol Gaye, New Jersey State Industrial Union Council
Carolyn Wade, CWA Local 1040
Collette Thompson, Community Baptist Church, Englewood
Darlene M. Smith J.D.
Deb Huber, National Organization for Women, NJ Chapter
Diana Mejia, Wind of the Spirit
Dolores Phillips, CWA Local 1089
Doris Lin, Progressive Caucus of NJDSC
Dr. Melani Wilkins
Elizabeth Meyer
Erin Chung, Women for Progress
Estina Baker, CWA District 1
Francine Ehret, CWA District 1
Grace Griffin, Community Baptist Church, Englewood
Hetty Rosenstein, CWA District 1
Janice Fine
Jessica Shaw, SOMA Action
Joan Jones, Community Baptist Church, Englewood
Karen White, AAUP
Karol Yorlany Ruiz, Esq., Wind of the Spirit
Lena Smith, Food and Water Watch
Lenace Edwards, 32BJ SEIU
Lillian Duggan, Westfield 20/20
Lillian Hawkins, SOMA Action
Linda Walker, Community Baptist Church, Englewood
Lizette Delgado, Vice Chair of the Democratic Party
Lizzie Foley
Lucye Millerand, URA- AFT 1766
Marci Bendelli, Westfield 20/20
Marcia Marley, Blue Wave NJ
Maura Collinsgru, New Jersey Citizen Action
Melanie Vasa, North Jersey, DSA
Moira Nelson, Action Together New Jersey
Mrs. Andrea Boone
Mrs. Dianne Ellison-Smith, Community Baptist Church Englewood
Mrs. Joan Boone, Bergen County NAACP
Ms. Alisa Smith, Community Baptist Church, Englewood
Ms. Carolyn Watson-Johnson, Watson-Johnson Dance Theater, Ewing
Ms. Sher’le Boone, Bergen County NAACP
Ms. Vanessa La Garde
Phyllis Salowe Kaye, New Jersey Citizen Action
Renee Koubiadis, Anti Poverty Network
Rev. Donna West, Mount Olive Baptist Church
Rev. Ella Hayes, Mount Olive Baptist Church
Robyn Gedrich
Rosi Efthim, Blue Jersey
Saily Avelenda, NJ 11th for Change
Sandra Gasque, Secretary of the Order of the Eastern Star, Hackensack
Sara Cullinane, Esq., Make the Road New Jersey
Sue Altman, South Jersey Women for Progressive Change
Trina Scordo, New Jersey Communities United
Winn Khuong, Action Together New Jersey

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