NJWF: Trump's tweet "proof positive the legislature is wildly out of touch with its base."

NJWF: Trump's tweet "proof positive the legislature is wildly out of touch with its base."
New Jersey Working Families State Director, Sue Altman, issued the following statement in response to today's tweet from Donald Trump praising New Jersey Democratic legislators for blocking Gov. Phil Murphy's proposed millionaires tax:
"This is proof positive that the legislature is wildly out of touch with its Democratic base. Donald Trump is the quintessential example of corruption and over-the-top moneyed excess. It's no surprise he wants to protect millionaires like himself at the expense of hard working people. How long until Trump comes out in favor of the terrible corporate tax cut programs extension too?
The mask has slipped. Legislators need to take a hard look in the mirror and start representing the will of the people, not Mar-a-Lago Democrats and their friend Donald Trump. New Jersey Democrats must do better."
New Jersey Working Families is an independent political organization that fights for progressive policies and elects progressive champions. For the last ten years it has spearheaded the fight for a millionaires tax in New Jersey.