Nora Martínez DeBenedetto Calls on City Council to Vote to Prevent Big Towers from Being Constructed on our Waterfront

nora martinez debenedetto

Nora Martínez DeBenedetto Calls on City Council to Vote to Prevent Big Towers from Being Constructed on our Waterfront


Nora Martinez DeBenedetto, who is running for Council in the 2nd Ward, today called on the  HobokenCity Council to approve the settlement negotiated by Mayor Bhalla, preventing the building of two 11 story Towers on the Hoboken waterfront at the Monarch site. The settlement creates the opportunity for additional public open space.

“This settlement would stop the building of two out-of-scale 11 story towers, and would instead replace this ill-advised plan with the opportunity to create open space that is more true to the character of our northern waterfront,” said Nora Martinez DeBenedetto. “I am calling on the eligible Council members to approve this agreement at the upcoming August 7 Council meeting.”

The settlement protects our waterfront by giving Applied Development a more appropriate location on top of the municipal garage on Observer Highway. As part of the settlement, Applied will construct a new parking garage at no cost to the City.

Nora noted that  the Council vote is a necessary first step, The City would then need to enter into a redevelopment agreement with Applied, which would include all the specific terms of the settlement.

She continued, “As a member of the Council I’ll be there every step of the way, ensuring we turn the Monarch waterfront into public green space, instead of enormous waterfront towers. With climate change posing a threat to coastal communities due to rising sea levels, it is critical to prevent added and inappropriate development on our waterfront."

Councilwoman Fisher is recused from voting on the settlement due to a conflict.

Nora Martínez DeBenedetto is a teacher at Kaplan Cooperative Preschool.  She coordinates Art in the Park for the City of Hoboken and was a founding member and volunteer organizer of the Hoboken Uptown Farmers Market for ten years.  She is also a lifelong resident of Hoboken.


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