Norcross Announces More Than $3.3M in Grant Funding to Acenda Health for Behavioral Health
Norcross Announces More Than $3.3M in Grant Funding to Acenda Health for Behavioral Health
CHERRY HILL, NJ – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today announced that Acenda Integrated Health, located in Glassboro, will receive approximately $3,352,000 in federal funding over the course of two years from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for a Mental Health & Substance Abuse Service Grant.
“This funding will allow Acenda Health, a Gloucester County healthcare facility, to help residents with both physical and mental health needs,” said Congressman Norcross. “Acenda provides crucial services for individuals, veterans and families in our community impacted by mental health and substance use disorders, and this funding will allow the facility to expand their behavioral health clinic, in turn, providing South Jersey residents with accessible care that does not require them to stay at a hospital.”
The grant, which runs from May 2020 through April 2022, will be used to administer a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) which will allow for easily accessible, person-centered care to reduce unnecessary hospital utilization, increase treatment engagement and promote long-term wellness. This essential funding will allow the healthcare facility to expand capacity in order to more rapidly support more individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.
"The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics are helping to transform how care is delivered in our communities and Acenda is excited to bring the model to our Gloucester County communities," said Dr. Anthony DiFabio, President & CEO, Acenda. "So many of our residents have highly complex mental and physical health needs which are complicated by substance use disorders. The CCBHC will allow us to partner with county health officials to supplement the existing system of care, and further expand the scope of services available to the residents who need it the most. This is truly a great win for Gloucester County."
“We are definitely honored to have been awarded over $3.3 million to administer a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) in Gloucester County,” said Melissa Fox, Chief Operating Officer, Acenda. “The Gloucester CCBHC will provide easily accessible person-centered integrated care designed to reduce unnecessary hospital utilization, increase treatment engagement and adherence, and promote long-term wellness. This model will help us expand capacity and more rapidly support more individuals needing care.”
Acenda Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to prevention, treatment and wellness services to the local community.