Norcross Appointed to Democratic Leadership Committee for 116th Congress


Norcross Appointed to Democratic Leadership Committee for 116th Congress


WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) has been appointed by Leader Nancy Pelosi to serve as the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee’s Parliamentarian for the 116th Congress. This is Norcross’ third consecutive appointment to the committee that shapes and implements the party’s agenda, advises the Caucus on important issues and assigns members to committees.


“It’s an honor for me to serve in a leadership role on the Steering and Policy Committee where I can help shape our agenda for working families and ensure that committees are well-balanced with my colleagues from New Jersey,” said Congressman Norcross.


Norcross was also unanimously elected to serve as a Vice Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus in the 116th Congress, is the co-founder of the Building Trades Caucus, Vice-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Opioid Epidemic and a Co-Chair of the Rebuilding America Caucus. An electrician by trade, Norcross has a long history of fighting for workers in New Jersey.


Norcross added: “As we enter the majority, it’s more important than ever that we listen to and address the needs of hardworking men and women. I know the struggles that America’s working families are facing because I’ve been there myself. I was once a single parent having to balance work, family life and my checkbook. I look forward to sharing my experiences with my colleagues and newly-elected peers in this leadership role.”


Since being elected to Congress in 2014, Norcross has prioritized issues of importance to the American worker. He’s advocated strongly for pay equity for women, retirement security and the proper enforcement of U.S. Department of Labor and NLRB regulations that protect our workforce. He sat in the U.S. Supreme Court during opening arguments for both Janus v. AFSCME and Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association and, surrounding both cases, loudly advocated for unions and workers’ rights. He also broke new ground as a co-founder of the Congressional Building Trades Caucus, which educates fellow Members about construction careers, the value of apprenticeships, Project Labor Agreements and Davis-Bacon laws, among other critical issues for working men and women.



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