Norcross Condemns Shutdown, Funding Fiasco, Trumpocracy

Norcross Condemns Shutdown, Funding Fiasco, Trumpocracy

“After a career of leaving companies financially bankrupt, now Trump wants to make America morally bankrupt”


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) issued the below statement on the second Republican shutdown fiasco this year:


“Americans want and deserve higher wages, great schools, safe neighborhoods and a secure nation. Instead, they’re getting Trumpocracy.


“After a career of leaving companies financially bankrupt, now Trump wants to make America morally bankrupt. He shamelessly made the decision to end DACA, and his ‘Art of the Deal’ is to use children’s lives as bargaining chips.


“Trump’s Washington Republicans hold the House and the Senate. They’ve had months and months to work on a long-term spending bill and address our country’s real problems but, instead, they prioritized a tax bill to benefit their billionaire backers.


“Greed, hypocrisy, empty morals and frequent shutdowns. That’s Trumpocracy – and it has to stop.”



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