Norcross to Convene ‘Camden Working’ Summit on Jobs & Career Training

Norcross to Convene ‘Camden Working’
Summit on Jobs & Career Training


CAMDEN, NJ – On Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 1:30 p.m., Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) will convene Camden Working, a summit on jobs and career training for the City of Camden, with the area’s largest employers, public officials, and community leaders and stakeholders.


Norcross and Camden Mayor Frank Moran announced their plan to organize ‘Camden Working’ at a press conference at City Hall earlier today. Yesterday, the two Camden leaders issued a joint statement saying, “Our combined efforts over the years with the residents of this great city, who have been willing, able and enthusiastic about job growth and employment, have yielded significant progress. Camden City is our home, and we’ve seen how the people of this great city have fought for good jobs that provide them the dignity of taking care of their families. For years, we’ve been working with partners at our community college, workforce investment board, county job training center and higher education institutions on programs to help prepare workers for the high-tech, high-intensity jobs that are becoming available, and we look forward to seeing more South Jersey residents taking advantage of new good-paying, family-sustaining jobs in Camden.”


  • Reporters interested in attending ‘Camden Working’ are asked to please RSVP to
  • Members of the public interested in participating or attending the event are asked to please call (856) 427-7000  or email


WHAT:          Norcross to convene Camden Working, a summit on jobs and career training for the City of Camden


WHERE:        Rowan University – Camden

129 Broadway

Camden, NJ 08102


WHEN:          Wednesday, September 19, 2018 – 1:30 PM


WHO:            Congressman Donald Norcross

Camden Mayor Frank Moran

Additional public officials

South Jersey employers

Community leaders and stakeholders



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