Norcross, Education Leaders Introduce Bills to Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools, Save Education Jobs, and Recover Lost Time in the Classroom

Norcross, Education Leaders Introduce Bills to Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools, Save Education Jobs, and Recover Lost Time in the Classroom

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) joined House Committee on Education and Labor Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03), Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (CT-05), Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03) and Congressman Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (CNMI-at Large) to introduce a package of education bills to reopen and rebuild our schools, save educators jobs and help students recover lost time in the classroom.


Congressman Norcross’ bill, the Rebuild and Reopen American’s Schools Act, was included along with the Save Education Jobs Act introduced with Congresswoman Hayes and the Learning Recovery Act, introduced with Congresswoman Leger Fernandez and Congressman Sablan, are part of the Committee’s response to the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, educators and parents.


Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act of 2021


Norcross’ legislation, the Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act of 2021, invests $130 billion – targeted at high-poverty schools – to help reopen public schools and provide students and educators a safe place to learn and work. In addition to helping students get back to school, the bill will also create over 2 million jobs during a time of widespread unemployment.


“My top priorities in Congress have always been jobs, education, and security, and all three are addressed in the Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act. Investing in our nation’s public schools will create good-paying jobs, improve educational outcomes and ensure that students learn in state-of-the-art buildings that are safe and secure,” said Congressman Norcross. “Long before this pandemic, our schools were all in dire need of repair, and now as our nation fights COVID-19 the need to rebuild has never been greater. As public officials, it is our duty to protect our children, fight for their futures and deliver high-quality education regardless of their zip code – and this bill does just that.”


“Prior to the pandemic, our education system was suffering from crumbling infrastructure, understaffed schools, and widening achievement gaps. Now, after an unprecedented disruption in students’ lives as a result of the pandemic, we are seeing existing inequities exacerbated,” said Chairman Scott. “The package of bills introduced today reflects our commitment to helping students, educators, and parents overcome the pandemic, reopen our schools, and finally access a quality, public education.”


Click here for a fact sheet, section by section and bill text on Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act of 2021.


Save Education Jobs Act of 2021


Since February of last year, more K-12 education jobs have been lost than nearly all of the local education jobs lost during the Great Recession.  On top of that, states are facing a $555 billion budget shortfall over the next three years.  Without sufficient funding from the federal government to support states and school districts during the recovery, experts estimate 1.4 million to 1.9 million education jobs will be lost over the next one to two years alone. The Save Education Jobs Act of 2021 would establish an Education Jobs Fund to stabilize the education workforce, delivering up to $261 billion to states and school districts over 10 years.


“Despite the heroic work of our educators, we know that COVID-19 has undone months of academic gains, exacerbated existing disparities, increased student mental health needs, and left far too many students behind,” said Congresswoman Hayes. “The cuts we are already seeing throughout the country, and can expect to continue seeing in the future, are devastating for students and the future of public education. We need to invest in more supports, not less, to ensure that schools can meet these needs and challenges during and after the pandemic. Teacher job losses have long lasting impacts on the quality and efficacy of learning in our communities, and only further entrench growing disparities in our highest need districts. It is time the federal government uphold its responsibility for students and recognize the urgency of this moment.”


Click here for a fact sheet, section by section and bill text on Save Education Jobs Act of 2021.


Learning Recovery Act of 2021


Left unaddressed, lost classroom time will have long-term effects on students’ success and on the U.S. economy as a whole. Researchers estimate that by 2040, the lost time in the classroom for the current K-12 cohort will result in an earnings loss of $110 billion per year and will reduce overall gross domestic product by $173 billion to $271 billion per year. The Learning Recovery Act of 2021 provides $75 billion over two years via Title I-A to build out summer school, extend school days, or extend schools programs.


“The pandemic has widened the divide where our students in Title I schools, those with the least resources, have suffered the greatest learning challenges and losses.  We must not abandon these children. Additional Title I funding is essential to set our schools on a path towards equitable recovery. With love and concern for our children, I am proud to co-lead the Learning Recovery Act with Chairman Bobby Scott to extend learning opportunities,” said Congresswoman Ledger Fernandez.


“America’s students continue to lose precious months of quality instruction to the coronavirus crisis. This loss is only widening the achievement gap and disparities between school districts that existed well before the pandemic,” said Congressman Sablan. “The Learning Recovery Act provides funding that schools facing severe budget cuts need to address these challenges whether it be extended school years, school days, or summer school to recover the lost learning time. And the Act mandates a federal study on the learning loss crisis because our nation as a whole must fully understand its impact and possible solutions.”


Click here for a fact sheet, section by section and bill text on Learning Recover Act of 2021.



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