Norcross on Janus vs. AFSCME Decision

Norcross on Janus vs. AFSCME Decision


“I sat at the negotiating table fighting for working families for decades, and I’m outraged at the recent attacks on the rank-and-file men and women who power our economy.”


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, as the Supreme Court of the United States released their decision in the case of Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) – who heard oral arguments for this case, as well as Friedrich v. the California Teachers Association in 2016, is a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, an electrician by trade and the first labor business agent in Congress– issued the following statement:


“The goal in the Janus case was obvious: to divide workers and silence their voices. The corporate interests and dark money behind the case wanted to use the court to rig the economy even more against working people. It’s a clear bait-and-switch – they promised public sector workers a quick buck, knowing full well that lower wages will follow.


According to the Supreme Court’s decision, there is such thing as a free lunch. It’s as if residents of New Jersey don’t have to pay taxes anymore, but could still enjoy the benefits of national defense, public safety, education and all the other services taxes provide. Who wouldn’t take that deal? If the government played by these rules, the country as we know it would cease to exist.


“To make our economy work for all of us, not just the rich and powerful, working people must be able to stick together to gain power to raise wages and improve benefits, like health care and retirement. I know how important it is for workers to have a voice in the workplace because I lived it. I sat at the negotiating table fighting for working families for decades, and I’m outraged at the recent attacks on the rank-and-file men and women who power our economy.


“Although the Supreme Court decision regarding this case did not go as I would have hoped, I will never stop fighting to ensure that workers can organize to raise their wages, improve their benefits and provide for their families.”



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