Norcross Overwhelming Wins Re-Election to New Jersey’s First Congressional District  

Norcross at Picatinny.


Congressman Donald Norcross Overwhelming Wins Re-Election to New Jersey’s First Congressional District  


U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) decisively won re-election tonight to serve New Jersey’s First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.


“I would like to thank the voters of New Jersey’s First Congressional District for re-electing me to serve in the US House of Representatives. It is an honor to represent the hardworking people of southern New Jersey, the place I have called home my entire life,” said Rep. Norcross. “Only in America can you go from a construction site to Congress and I’ve never forgotten my roots. As an electrician, I am proud to be the voice for hard working families. While we’ve made great strides these last few years, from passing once-in-a-generation infrastructure investments to lowering prescription drug costs, I know there’s still a lot left to do. I’m ready to get back to Congress to continue fighting to increase the minimum wage, lower costs, protect reproductive freedom, and support our military.”


Donald Norcross is an IBEW electrician by trade who has dedicated his life to fighting for New Jersey’s working families. He is a champion for good jobs and fair wages, accessible and affordable higher education options, a strong nation and safe neighborhoods.







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