Norcross Statement on House Passing Dangerous Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

Norcross Statement on House Passing Dangerous Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01), a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, issued the following statement as House Republicans pass the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38), which would force New Jersey to honor concealed carry permits – or the lack thereof – from every other state in the nation:


“Until now, the Republicans who control Congress have reacted to mass shootings by holding a moment of silence – then doing absolutely nothing to stop the next one. Now, they are finally taking action – and they’re making our gun violence problem worse.


“This bill allows criminals from other states to enter our New Jersey stores, churches, parks and offices with guns. It goes against what America needs and what New Jersey wants. New Jersey wants gun safety, not gun violence. New Jersey wants us to stand up for the victims, not the gun lobbyists.


“It is shameful that my colleagues voted to make matters worse, not better. There are simple, common-sense things we can do right now to help save American lives: We can ban assault rifles, stop suspected terrorists from buying weapons, strengthen background checks, close loopholes, allow for proper gun violence research and end gun trafficking.


“I will keep fighting for smart actions to save lives – and I vow to keep standing up for New Jersey, for public safety and for common sense.”


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