Norcross Statement on Kavanaugh Confirmation

Norcross Statement on Kavanaugh Confirmation
CHERRY HILL, NJ – Following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) released the below statement:
“Like millions of Americans who tuned in to the Senate hearings last week, I was struck by the bravery and sincerity displayed by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and appalled by the temperament, lack of transparency and partiality displayed by Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford – like so many other women – has had to endure in silence, and, sadly, today, our partisan politics failed her. The Senators who denied, disparaged or downplayed the trauma endured by countless victims of sexual assault – all to rush through a deeply-flawed candidate to our nation’s highest court – should be ashamed of themselves.
“The Supreme Court should represent one of our three independent branches of government – but today it became a tool for ideological agendas. After a process that was nothing short of a farce – with an FBI investigation limited by President Trump and conspiracy theories abound – our democracy hit a new low.
“To all sexual assault survivors in South Jersey and across the country: I hear you, I believe you, I share your outrage and I stand with you today and always.”