Norcross Statement on Passing of Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis

Norcross Statement on Passing of Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today released the following statement on the passing of Civil Rights leader Congressman John Lewis (GA-05):
“Today, my heart is heavy as the world mourns the passing of my friend and colleague Congressman John Lewis. John spoke softly but powerfully, he walked slowly but purposefully and he acted kindly but fought tirelessly for justice. He devoted his life to making the world a better place, and he succeeded, inspiring millions to follow his lead along the way. It was my honor to serve with him in Congress and walk alongside him crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge 50 years after Bloody Sunday. As our nation mourns the passing of a Civil Rights icon, my thoughts are with his family and loved ones, and with all of us who must now carry on his legacy by getting into good trouble, necessary trouble.”