Norcross: US Should Follow NJ’s Lead on Equal Pay Day

Congressman Donald Norcross, who serves on the United States House Committee on Education and Labor, offered his support for the Raise the Wage Act. Democrats argue that passage of the act will increase the national minimum wage, which will lift people out of poverty and stimulate the economy.

Norcross: US Should Follow NJ’s Lead on Equal Pay Day


CHERRY HILL, NJ – On Equal Pay Day, the date that signifies the extra time that women must work just to earn what their male counterparts did in the year before, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) strongly urges Congress to pass legislation that ensures women receive equal pay for equal work.


The New Jersey legislature recently passed historic equal pay legislation, which was championed by South Jersey Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt. The bill provides some of the strongest equal pay laws in the country.


“New Jersey is leading the nation on equal pay – and the rest of the country should wake up, take notice and make changes,” said Congressman Donald Norcross, a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. “This is the top challenge of our time that has the most obvious solution – pay the exact same amount to men and women who are doing the same job. It’s just that simple.”


“When our daughters are born, we look at them with hope for a bright future. In New Jersey, we’re taking steps to ensure that our daughters are afforded the future they deserve, where they are valued based on their merit and not their gender,” said New Jersey Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt.


In Congress, Norcross supports the Paycheck Fairness Act and Equal Rights Amendment, which would help close the gender wage gap.


Norcross said: “As companies close the books on this year’s first quarter, we must sadly acknowledge that an American woman has to work five quarters to earn as much as the average man did in four. That’s embarrassing for our country and we can do better. Let’s follow New Jersey’s lead and pass legislation to help eliminate the gender wage gap and help our families.”


Nationwide, 40% of all households include mothers who provide either the sole or primary source of income for their family and over 417,000 of New Jersey households have a woman as their chief breadwinner.


Norcross added: “I thank Assemblywoman Lampitt for her strong leadership, and I promise that this year, and every year that I am representing the people of New Jersey in Congress, I will fight against gender inequality because it must never be overlooked until it is overcome.”








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