Norcross Visits with Cooper Hospital Leadership; Discusses Next Steps in Fighting COVID-19

Donald Norcross

Norcross Visits with Cooper Hospital Leadership; Discusses Next Steps in Fighting COVID-19

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) met with Cooper University Health Care officials today to discuss the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and to learn about the steps Cooper has taken to keep their patients and staff healthy and safe. Norcross also briefed the faculty on Congress’ actions in protecting workers and families, including House passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

“Last week, Congress worked tirelessly to pass a strong, bipartisan bill that protects families’ health, economic security and well-being. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act – in addition to the already approved $8.3 billion funding bill to combat the Coronavirus – ensures that everyone who needs to be tested can be tested free of charge and expands paid leave to provide economic security for workers, so that if they are sick, they can stay home,” said Congressman Norcross. “Cooper and our region’s fellow health care providers are on the frontlines protecting our community, and as I continue to meet with our hospital systems this week, I’m continuously impressed with the effort and planning they have put forward to ensure that our residents are safe and the needs of our families and health care professionals are met.”

Norcross added: “I will continue to work with federal, state and local officials to contain the spread and move forward, ensuring that South Jersey is prepared, residents are healthy and our workers and their families are protected.”

Norcross met with members of the Cooper senior leadership team, including:

  • Kevin O’Dowd, Co-President/CEO
  • Anthony Mazzarelli, Co-Presidnt/CEO and Emergency Medicine Physician
  • Dr. Henry Fraimow, Division of Infectious Disease
  • Joseph Montella, MD, Chief Medical Officer
  • Eric Kupersmith, MD, Chief Physician Executive
  • Lou Bezich, Senior Vice President of Strategic Alliances
  • Anthony Welch, Government and Community Relations

“We thank Congressman Norcross for visiting with us to understand the issues we are facing and for his vote to provide needed resources to prepare for the potential increase in patients that health systems are expected to treat,” said Kevin O’Dowd, Co-President/CEO of Cooper University Health Care.

“We appreciate Congressman Norcross coming to Cooper to hear from our clinical teams as to what they are experiencing on the ground and to do what he can to help us get more patients tested and prepare for the likely increase of patients coming to our health system in need of care,” said Dr. Anthony Mazzarelli, Co-President/CEO of Cooper University Health Care.

The meeting was held at Cooper Hospital’s Education and Research building. Attendees were screened before entering. Cooper has no presumptive or confirmed COVID-19 cases at this time.


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