Norcross Votes for a Free & Open Internet

Norcross Votes for a Free & Open Internet


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross issued the following statement on his vote in favor of the Save the Internet Act, H.R. 1644:


“We need to preserve consumer freedom online, protect small businesses and promote competition – and the Save the Internet Act does all of these things. It balances our need to provide fairness for users and, at the same time, encourage innovation in the tech industry.


“Most Americans oppose the Trump Administration’s elimination of protections and support the principles of net neutrality – and today, we’re taking commonsense actions to make the internet free and open again.”


In December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) eliminated the federal government’s ‘open internet’ rule – which took away the ability of the FCC to ensure that ISPs do not manipulate internet speeds to promote premium content, block competing services or discriminate against vulnerable communities. Norcross called the 2017 decision “dangerous” and signed on to legislation in the 115th Congress to reject the FCC’s order.


The Save the Internet Act honors the will of the people and restores vital protections by:

  • Strengthening transparency protections, including by enacting specific rules against blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization, and empowering the FCC to investigate consumer and business complaints and fine internet service providers for violations of the Communications Act;
  • Protecting consumers against unjust, unreasonable, and discriminatory practices by large internet service providers, and promoting competition by empowering small business;
  • Ensuring consumers can make informed decisions when shopping for internet plans; and
  • Restoring the FCC’s authority to fund broadband access for rural communities, working Americans, veterans, seniors, students and disabled Americans – so the Internet can continue to be a level playing field where all can succeed.


A one-pager describing the Save the Internet Act can be found here.



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