North Jersey Rocked the Knock: Did it Work?



Patches Magarro


North Jersey Rocked the Knock: Did it Work?

[Emerson, NJ]- For NJ5 Coalition co-founders Anna Wong and Patches Magarro, election day seems suddenly upon us, but also a long time coming. Like kids who started a holiday wish list soon after New Year’s, they have been gearing up for November 6th since January. Long before most had any thoughts about campaigns and candidates, the NJ5 Coalition was coordinating with other forward-thinking activists to lay the foundation for an operation that surpassed a major milestone this week:

Collectively, volunteers from their member organizations knocked on over 12,000 doors in the district by the end of October. This weekend, known as “Final Weekend” they will be out in force and might be found smiling on your doorstep if you’re a voter on their targeted list. Most of this coordination, which can exceed over 100 people on a given week, is done on a budget of zero dollars through their NJ5 Coalition Facebook page.

According to Magarro, resident of Old Tappan, “The motivation out there is undeniable.The average person is so much more politically aware than they were a couple of years ago. They are willing to devote their time because they know they can affect the process. Taking action that can make a difference has been a sanity-saver for those of us who see a need for leadership that reflects our values.”

Wong is from Paramus and sees a difference in personal interactions. “I think voter engagement has evolved. We aren’t knocking on doors just to win elections. We are knocking on doors to serve our neighbors, to learn what they care about and to empower them to vote.  These face to face conversations are building community throughout the district and that will last far beyond this election.”

When the weather was hot and humid back in July, dedicated early birds were sweating their way through Bergen County neighborhoods to build awareness of the midterm elections being held months away. Sometimes they would focus on explaining the option to vote by mail, and other times they would try to identify voters who were committed to voting for Democratic candidates. They were joined by like-minded volunteers from way beyond the district including the Upper West Side, Tribeca, Rockland County and Israel, as was the case with one man who was visiting on vacation, and wanted to take some political action while in the U.S. He found the group by searching on Facebook. With over 30 political groups under its umbrella, the NJ5 Coalition is able to bring volunteers together to scale up or sustain on-going activities.

Some groups kept a weekly commitment to a set time and place to head out and talk to voters, and it worked wonders. Participants were able to plan ahead and prioritize their activism on a predictable schedule, so turnout grew. Ringwood groups held a weekly canvass on Sundays, as did Teaneck Women Together. Depending on where people lived, they could choose to attend one or the other. Ridgewood JOLT picked Wednesday evening as their time slot and added postcard writing and phone banking so everyone could decide how they wanted to contribute.


Saturday through Tuesday, they will be back on sidewalks and porches to drive voter turnout. It’s the final push over “Final Weekend.” Will they make a difference? Tuesday night they will get their final answer.


As background, a press advisory from earlier in the year is included below:




Patches Magarro


Not Your Average Midterms: Early Energy Draws Activists from Far and Wide to North Jersey Doorsteps

[Hackensack, NJ]- With many key races this year, New Jersey neighborhoods are seeing early action from constituents and volunteers from far and wide. This weekend one group has people from lower Manhattan and Israel signed up to speak to voters in Hackensack, NJ.

Last week, 60 activists went door-to-door in Teaneck to alert voters to the importance of the midterm election this November. Having that many volunteers on a rainy, humid Sunday in July is unusual, but so is the determination of the men and women who are focused on saving the seat of the district’s Congressman, Josh Gottheimer. The NJ5 Coalition pulled support from many towns well beyond Teaneck, Gottheimer’s district, and even New Jersey: 11 volunteers from New York’s Upper West Side came from Swing Left.

This Sunday, some will return to the area to engage voters in Hackensack. This time, those traveling the farthest will be from Swing Left’s Tribeca group and one man visiting from Israel who sought out the NJ5 Coalition on Facebook because he feels compelled to support efforts to flip the U.S. House of Representatives while he is here.

Dr. David Brody organized the volunteers from Swing Left and says that he has devoted time in North Jersey because, “I’m 61 years old and have never missed voting. This midterm is the most consequential election in my lifetime. Reelecting Josh is not only critical to the constituents of NJ05, but critical to our nation as we must restore Democratic control of the House. That’s why we at Swing Left-NYC are eager to get out the vote in November.”

Patches Magarro, NJ5 Coalition co-founder credits a better-informed public with the early action people are taking, “Americans have learned much more about elections and how our government works. They know that politicians are making laws for all of us, no matter what state we live in, so they want to be involved. Doing nothing is not an option.”

Anna Wong, NJ5 Coalition co-founder, has been knocking on doors to talk to voters since NJ’s 2017 Gubernatorial election.  “The path to taking back the House runs through NJ.  Talking to our neighbors and reminding folks to make a plan for Nov 6th is the most impactful way to get everyone out to vote.”

NOTE: This week our meeting point is at the DCBC but the NJ5 Coalition is not part of the Democratic Party or the Gottheimer campaign. Previously in Hackensack we gathered at the Fairmount school.

Who: NJ5 Coalition and member organization volunteers; Swing Left- NYC

What: Door-to-Door canvassing for Gottheimer

When: Sunday, July 22, 2018 at 1:30pm

Where: 540 Hudson Street, 6th floor


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