Now Law: Armato, Mazzeo & DeAngelo Measure to Honor American Legion on 100th Anniversary

Now Law: Armato, Mazzeo & DeAngelo Measure to Honor American Legion on 100th Anniversary
(TRENTON) –Assemblymen John Armato (D-Atlantic), Vince Mazzeo (D-Atlantic) and Wayne DeAngelo (D-Mercer, Middlesex) released the following statements on their measure (AJR-101) to commemorate the accomplishments of the American Legion during the nonprofit’s centennial year. The measure received final legislative approval 71-0 in the Assembly in June and was signed into law on Monday.
Assemblyman John Armato: “Over the past 100 years, the American Legion has made a considerable mark on American culture. From influencing social change to starting programs for youth to advocating for veterans, the Legion has changed the lives of so many people. I applaud the Legion for reaching this milestone, and look forward to seeing it grow for years to come.”
Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo: “What began as a small patriotic veteran’s organization has flourished into an over two million-strong nonprofit spanning all fifty states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines. The patriots of the American Legion work tirelessly to serve veterans and make a positive impact in their communities, and their efforts should be celebrated today and every day.”
Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo: “The American Legion represents the very best of America; the people who’ve served their country bravely, and gone on to continue their service through community-based advocacy. We salute the American Legion and all it has achieved for our entire nation.”