Now Law: Bateman Measure Requires Health Insurance to Cover COVID-19 Testing

Now Law: Bateman Measure Requires Health Insurance to Cover COVID-19 Testing

Also Expands Telemeidince Treatment for Coronavirus

To help abate the coronavirus pandemic, Senator Kip Bateman’s legislation directing health insurance and Medicaid to cover COVID-19 testing and expand telehealth services throughout this State of Emergency was signed into law.

Sen. Kip Bateman’s legislation directing health insurance and Medicaid to cover COVID-19 testing and expand telehealth services was signed into law. (CDC)

This measure is part of a large bipartisan bill package designed to help New Jersey families stay safe amid this public health threat.

“We are dealing with a global public health crisis, so the last thing that should be on anyone’s mind is, ‘How am I going to pay for testing and treatment?'” said Bateman (R-16). “No New Jerseyan should delay getting tested if they are experiencing coronavirus symptoms. With many displaced from work, and the elderly population particularly susceptible to transmission, ensuring insurance coverage will give more New Jersey residents peace of mind as we try to contain the spread.”

Bateman’s legislation, A-3843/S-2283, requires health insurance and Medicaid to cover testing for COVID-2019, and for telemedicine and telehealth during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency.

“Telemedicine is 21st-century healthcare that will play a large part in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic,” added Bateman. “This novel technology allows remote access to patients, which will help keep those sick out of waiting rooms and in quarantine, as well as better safeguard healthcare professionals. We owe a great debt of gratitude to those on the front line of COVID-19 testing, including nurses, doctors, and first responders, as they care for patients throughout our vulnerable communities.”

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