Now Law: Corrado Bill Protecting State Employees from Discrimination and Harassment at Work


Now Law: Corrado Bill Protecting State Employees from Discrimination and Harassment at Work

Requires Telephone Hotline for Reporting Suspected Incidents

Legislation sponsored by Senator Kristin Corrado to ensure State workers can confidentially report discrimination or harassment in the workplace has been signed into law by the governor.

“Victims should never be silenced as a result of filing a complaint,” said Corrado (R-40). “This law will ensure that all State employees have a telephone hotline to report harassment and discrimination in the workplace. To better protect everyone involved, it will serve as a confidential resource to obtain information and referrals for additional assistance and counseling.”

The new law (A-5630/S-3981) requires the Civil Service Commission to establish a toll-free telephone hotline for employees of any State agency to report suspected mistreatment.

The bipartisan measure, also sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, was part of a multi-bill package implementing recommendations from the New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight Committee formed to investigate hiring practices of the Murphy administration and determine how Al Alvarez was hired for a top job after being accused of sexual assault by a fellow campaign staffer.

Corrado and Weinberg introduced seven bills. Five were signed earlier this month, and one was pocket vetoed by the governor.

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