NRCC On CD11: name a more iconic duo
If there’s one key takeaway from this Tuesday, it’s the fact that even Democrats are appalled and disgusted by the behavior of disgraced Bob Menendez.
Well, except for Mikie Sherrill…
Last month Sherrill told “He wasn’t convicted. The nation needs him on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.” Then she admitted that she would have a different opinion if Menendez was a Republican.
And it looks like she won’t be changing her tune. This week reported that “Sherrill ducked questions about the possible risks of having Menendez top the ticket this fall."
Mikie Sherrill is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Bob Menendez after he disgraced and humiliated New Jersey. How can voters trust Sherrill's judgement if she thinks the state should continue to be represented by Menendez's values?