Ocean County Democratic Women’s Caucus Announces Endorsements

Pictured in the photo, left to right: Sally Collins, Peg Houle, Eileen Della Volle, Emma Mammano, Erin Wheeler, Heather Walsh, Laura Shaw 


The Ocean County Democratic Women’s Caucus is proud to announce the following endorsements for the November 5th election:


In Legislative District 9, Sarah (Sally) Collins; in Legislative District 10, Eileen Della Volle and Erin Wheeler; in Legislative District 12, Malini Guha; for Ocean County Freeholder, Jean Czarkowski; for Barnegat Township Committee, Peg Houle; for Berkeley Mayor, Laura Shaw; for Berkeley Council, Heather Walsh; for Brick Council, Andrea Zapcic and Lisa Crate; for Point Pleasant Boro Council, Mary Sandakas; and for Toms River Council, Michele Williams and Karin Sage.


The mission of the Ocean County Democratic Women is to recruit, train, and support women candidates at all levels of government, and advocate for the rights and interests of women voters.  We are proud to have thirteen women running for office in Ocean County.  Through the generosity of our members and donors, we were able to distribute $4,500 in funds amongst these stellar candidates.


We also extend our well wishes to our male Democratic running mates, who are allies in the fight for women’s rights, on these November 5th tickets: Wayne Lewis (LD9), David Lande (LD12) Josh Eckersley and Mario Ciasulli (Berkeley), Vince Minichino and Art Halloran (Brick), Derek Reichenbecher (Point Pleasant), and Drew Boyle and Jonathan Petro (Toms River Council and Mayor).


To learn more about the OCDWC, follow our Facebook (@OCladies) and Instagram (@ocdwc), or email us at info@ocdwc.com.  Our next meeting is on Monday September 16th at 6:30pm at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library.

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