Team O'Donnell


BAYONNE – The O’Donnell for Bayonne campaign today released the following digital ad featuring mayoral candidate Jason O’Donnell discussing how his vision for the city contrasts with that of current Mayor Jimmy Davis.  The ad can be found here and the transcription follows: https://www.facebook.com/teamodonnell/videos/1897327683663607/

“My opponent has a plan to bring tens of thousands of new residents in Bayonne further congesting our streets, adding more students to our schools and putting a heavier strain on our municipal services.  My opponent also believes that by giving thirty-year tax abatements to wealthy developers it will somehow trickle down and help Bayonne residents already crushed by high property taxes.

I believe that we have to decrease our spending so that we can once again be affordable for all of our taxpayers and families.  We need to fix the parking problem in our city, fully fund our schools and ensure our children’s safety by placing a uniformed officer in each one of our schools. I will encourage development that creates good paying jobs for our city residents so that we can build a local economy that works for everyone.  We face many challenges ahead but if we put Bayonne first, together we can accomplish anything.”

Jason O’Donnell is a fourth generation Bayonne resident who has never left Bayonne, raising his three kids in town with his wife, Kerry, who is an educator.  O’Donnell has dedicated his life to our community, including serving as a Captain in the Bayonne Fire Department and representing us in New Jersey’s General Assembly where he fought Chris Christie on behalf of police, firefighters, teachers and middle-class taxpayers throughout the city.

O’Donnell was also the first Director of Municipal Services in our city’s history, where he fought to consolidate three key city agencies into one department to save the taxpayers money.

Bayonne’s municipal election is Tuesday.

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