Old Bridge Mayoral Candidate Merwin Sends Letter To NJDOT Commissioner


September 2, 2019

Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Commissioner, NJ Dept. of Transportation
PO Box 600
Trenton, NJ 08625-0600

Dear Commissioner;

As a concerned citizen and Councilman from Old Bridge Township, I am writing to you on behalf of the residents of Old Bridge and the commuters that use our roadways to request that a center safety barrier be installed along Route 9 between Perrine Road and Springvalley Road in our community. This stretch of roadway, currently designated as a “safe corridor” for traffic summonses as it has always been an unsafe stretch of roadway, has now become a location where over the past two years we are witnessing devastating head-on collisions resulting in numerous fatalities. Most of these accidents, (if not all), would not have resulted in the fatalities if there had been a center safety barrier.

As you know, Route 9 is a major north-south corridor and is home to the NJ Transit route 139, the largest commuter bus route in NJ. This roadway is a major feeder road to other superhighways. It carries our commuting public in their cars to the Garden State Parkway or 18 wheelers, box and tankers and dump trucks utilizing the roadway to gain access to the northbound NJ Turnpike. For these reasons alone there is ample need for the concrete dividers to protect lives.

Route 9 in the late 60’s was known as “Death Alley” and after numerous fatalities, the State finally made the highway 3 lanes each direction with a wide grass median. At that time in the early 70’s, that remedy was suffice. Now 4 decades later and with much more traffic, cars, trucks and buses substantially increasing, utilizing this roadway it now has become the “Highway to Heaven”. This dangerous condition must end NOW!!!

The toll that these accidents have taken on our community is tremendous, especially when the victims are our very own neighbors and state residents trying to get to and from work every day. Secondarily, when they occur, these fatal accidents cause thousands of vehicles to traverse our local streets and cause backups for several hours while the accidents are properly investigated and cleared from the roadway.

On behalf of our entire community and New Jersey drivers, I am formally requesting that the State of New Jersey put into action immediately, the planning and installation of a center safety barrier along the balance of Route 9 in our community, so that our lives are saved are protected.

Looking forward to hearing from you and receiving your action plan.

David Merwin

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