One Water Awards Nominations Open; Categories Expand

One Water Awards Nominations Open; Categories Expand


Awards program recognizes sustainable solutions to

state’s water challenges.


TRENTON, May 15, 2019 – Nominations are open for the third annual New Jersey One Water Awards program, recognizing organizations that implement holistic water infrastructure projects and programs. This year the program features separate categories for nonprofit and academic entities, to recognize growing representation from both sectors among the nominees.

“We decided to establish an additional category this year because the awards jury has difficulty deciding among so many projects that have meaningful stakeholder collaboration and powerful results,” said Jennifer Brunton, associate vice president of civil engineering at Louis Berger, a member of the Steering Committee of Jersey Water Works, and chairwoman of the awards jury.


The One Water Awards spotlight projects and programs that exemplify integration across the water cycle, that reflect collaboration, innovation, and public education, and that advance long-term sustainability by meeting multiple needs and generating multiple benefits. Again this year, the awards are sponsored by the American Water Resources Association’s New Jersey section (AWRA-NJ); the American Water Works Association’s New Jersey section (AWWA-NJ); the Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA); Jersey Water Works (JWW); and the New Jersey Water Environment Association (NJWEA). Together the sponsors represent more than 9,000 members, each of whom work to advance aspects of integrated water management.


Winners from 2017 and 2018 include the City of Hoboken, the Landis Sewerage Authority in Vineland, Middlesex Water Company, the Watershed Institute, the Town of Hammonton, AeroFarms in Newark, and the Camden SMART Initiative. Each organization received a trophy and recognition from its peers at the annual conferences of each sponsoring organization.


The One Water Awards will be presented in four categories: public, private, nonprofit, and academic. Eligible projects or programs must be located in New Jersey and, projects must have been completed within the past five years or, if under construction, must be at least 50 percent complete. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Sept. 30, 2019. For complete awards program rules, visit New Jersey One Water Awards.


Honorees will be announced at the AEA conference in November 2019, awarded trophies at the JWW conference in December 2019, and recognized at industry events including the AWRA-NJ conference in December 2019, the AWWA-NJ conference in March 2020 and the NJWEA conference in May 2020.


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  About Jersey Water Works


Jersey Water Works is a collaborative effort of many diverse organizations and individuals who embrace the common purpose of transforming New Jersey’s inadequate water infrastructure by investing in sustainable, cost-effective solutions that provide communities with clean water and waterways; healthier, safer neighborhoods; local jobs; flood and climate resilience; and economic growth. New Jersey Future facilitates the work of the collaborative.


About the American Water Resources Association New Jersey section


The New Jersey American Water Resources Association provides professional development and educational opportunities for all persons interested or working in the field of water resources in New Jersey. The Section provides a common forum in which to meet, discuss, exchange ideas, and assist all persons concerned with the conservation, development, management, and utilization of fresh and marine waters and related resources together with their environmental aspects.


About the Association of Environmental Authorities


The Association of Environmental Authorities is a non-profit association of governmental agencies and supporting private businesses dedicated to maintaining and improving New Jersey’s land and water environment by providing high-quality water, wastewater and solid waste utility services to residents and businesses.


About the American Water Works Association
New Jersey Section


The American Water Works Association (AWWA), the world’s largest association of water professionals with over 50,000 members. The AWWA New Jersey section represents over 1,300 members united in a mission to provide New Jersey residents with a safe and reliable supply of drinking water. Members include most of New Jersey’s public and investor-owned water utilities along with engineering and environmental professionals and allied industry businesses. AWWA works to make advances in public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of drinking water professionals.


About the New Jersey Water Environment Associaton


The New Jersey Water Environment Association is a non profit educational organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the water environment. Founded in 1915 the Association is the oldest organization of it’s kind in the United States. With a membership of 2800 engineers, operators, scientists, students and other professionals the NJWEA is an environmental leader in New Jersey.


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