Oroho Commends Senate President’s Commitment to Reducing Unnecessary Regulations

Oroho Commends Senate President’s Commitment to Reducing Unnecessary Regulations

Senator Steven Oroho commended Senate President Stephen Sweeney today for his comments in support of efforts to reduce unnecessary government regulations that are burdensome to both residents and businesses in New Jersey.


“Over years and decades, regulation after regulation has been piled on top of each other by various state government agencies,” said Oroho (R-24), the Senate Republican Budget Officer. “We now have an incomprehensible web of often conflicting rules that can be nearly impossible to follow. Addressing these inefficiencies will help make New Jersey a more friendly place to live and a competitive place to do business. I’m glad the Senate President is fully engaged in supporting this important effort.”

Oroho has worked for the past decade on related efforts. To continue that work, he introduced bipartisan legislation (S-4125) with Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-36), chairman of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee, to create the Government Efficiency and Regulatory Review Commission.

In comments today at an event in Morris County, the Senate President indicated that he would also like to create a bipartisan panel, modeled after the Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup, which Oroho co-chaired, to examine the issue of unnecessary regulation.

“I think it makes a lot of sense to move forward with both of these efforts to make government more efficient,” added Oroho. “The workgroup structure gives us the flexibility to be nimble in our approach to examining the issue, while the formal commission would ensure our continued ability to act when problems are found. I look forward to working with Senate President Sweeney and other legislative leaders to advance these proposals.”

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