Oroho: Governor Should Have More Faith in NJ Businesses that Have Plans to Reopen Safely


Oroho: Governor Should Have More Faith in NJ Businesses that Have Plans to Reopen Safely

Senator Steven Oroho said Governor Phil Murphy should have more faith in the tens of thousands of businesses across New Jersey that already have detailed plans that would allow them to reopen safely.

“While Governor Murphy offered only a vague outline for reopening New Jersey’s economy with no real plan, tens of thousands of businesses are ready to open safely today if given the opportunity,” said Senator Steven Oroho (R-24). “Since businesses were forced to close in March, many have been developing and perfecting plans to get back to work in a manner that is safe for their customers and employees. Just as grocery stores and pharmacies demonstrated their ability to adapt quickly to new public health requirements, we should trust that other businesses are no less capable of operating responsibly.”

Oroho, the Senate Republican Budget Officer, said he has spoken with dozens of business owners and trade associations representing tens of thousands of businesses. They told him they are ready to open safely once Governor Murphy eases operating restrictions that have left most closed since mid-March.

“It defies common sense to suggest that the same social distancing guidelines and public health precautions that work in a grocery store cannot be employed in a sporting goods store, Main Street shop, or countless other work places,” added Oroho. “Governor Murphy has said ‘Public health creates economic health.’ I’’m saying public health and economic health need not be mutually exclusive. We can be safe and responsible while opening up for business. Frankly, businesses, employees and our State cannot endure such sustained economic inactivity.”

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