Oroho: NJ’s Tax Policies Trigger Highest Outmigration Nationwide

Oroho: NJ’s Tax Policies Trigger Highest Outmigration Nationwide

NJBIA, WalletHub & Moving Company Reports Highlight NJ’s Growing Tax Troubles

Senator Steve Oroho (R-24) is again calling for action on fiscal reforms, in light of three recent reports that prove that New Jersey’s high cost of living and bad tax policies are forcing people of all ages, and business owners, to leave the Garden State in droves.

The most recent report, released by WalletHub on Jan. 14, named New Jersey as one of the worst places in the country to retire. The NJBIA’s 2018 Regional Business Climate analysis also ranked New Jersey as one of the least innovative and business-friendly state in the region. Additionally, United Van Lines, a national moving company, also released a survey earlier this month identifying New Jersey as the number one state for outmigration.

New Jersey’s property taxes and the cost of living are the highest in the nation.

“These reports tell us what most of our neighbors already know – we live in one of, if not the most unaffordable state in the nation,” Oroho said. “New Jersey’s current tax policies are causing our family and friends, in particular retirees, to flee the state in record numbers. We must implement prudent fiscal policies to stop this mass exodus and keep what little revenue we have from disappearing entirely.”

Senator Oroho is a co-chair of the bipartisan New Jersey Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup, which is committed to pinpointing fiscal ineffectiveness and proposing commonsense reforms.

Oroho successfully advocated to increase the tax free retirement income exclusion as well as eliminate of New Jersey’s estate tax.

“Despite our best efforts to get the state’s spending back on track there is much more work to be done,” Oroho added. “We want to enact policies that will allow grandparents to be able to stay in New Jersey and watch their grand kids grow up. We want to create an economic climate where young parents can find good opportunities, so they they can actually afford to raise a family in New Jersey. We can and must do more to create friendlier tax policies that will slow outmigration and make New Jersey more competitive.”

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