Oroho Receives Troast Award from NJBIA for Support of NJ Business Community, State Economy 

Oroho Receives Troast Award from NJBIA for Support of NJ Business Community, State Economy

Senator Steven Oroho (R-24) was honored with the “Paul L. Troast Public Service Award” by the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) at the 2018 NJBIA Impact Symposium on December 5, 2017.

The NJBIA presents the Troast Award annually to a public servant who has made an outstanding contribution to the State of New Jersey and its business community.

Oroho, a member of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee, shared the honor this year with Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-36), who serves as chairman of the committee.

“The focus of NJBIA’s symposium this year is affordability and competitiveness, which were the very concerns that drove the tax reform effort that Senator Sarlo and I led last year,” said Oroho. “It’s an honor to share the Paul L. Troast Award with my partner on the state’s most comprehensive tax reform effort in decades. We’ve shown how reasonable public officials can bridge the partisan divide to enact good policy that helps businesses, employees, and the economy at large.”

Oroho and Sarlo worked as a bipartisan team in crafting and enacting a package of bills to fund the depleted TTF, phase out the estate tax, increase the tax exemption on retirement and pension income, and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income workers.

The duo was similarly honored by the Tax Foundation in Februaryfor their bipartisan tax reform effort. Oroho first received the Troast Award in 2011.


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