Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space, and Assembly Candidate Hal Wirths, current owners or previous owners of small businesses in Sussex County, were pleased today to accept the endorsement of the largest political organization representing business owners in New Jersey. The three conservative candidates are running in New Jersey's 24th Legislative District, which encompasses all of Sussex County and parts of Warren and Morris Counties.
The New Jersey Organization for a Better State (NEW JOBS), the political arm of the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA), endorsed the candidacies of Oroho, Space, and Wirths.
"As we try to foster a healthy business climate, it has never been more important to elect and retain pro-business candidates and legislators who understand the needs of business." said Sara Gibson, Executive Director of NEW JOBS.
"Our endorsements are based on the willingness of each candidate to lower the cost of doing business, strengthen the business climate, and create jobs in our great state,” Gibson continued. “We thank Steve Oroho, Parker Space, and Hal Wirths for their hard work and their commitment to the economic viability of our State."
Senator Oroho was pleased that his and his running mates’ records were acknowledged by small business owners.
“Parker, Hal, and I are glad to have the support of small business owners from Sussex, Warren and Morris Counties -- and from across New Jersey,” said Oroho. “They recognized our hard work to make New Jersey more competitive in attracting capital investment which is the foundation for job creation.”
“Since 2011, I’ve been a primary architect of individual and business tax cuts worth $4.5 billion, which has stimulated job creation and grown state revenues. I also prevented a property tax hike estimated at more than $550 per family, while negotiating five new tax cuts to keep income in New Jersey. I am gratified that small business owners and their advocates have come to trust my insights on budgetary and economic development issues in my continuing fight to make our state more economically competitive and affordable.”
Assemblyman Space welcomed the support of NEW JOBS.
“The endorsement is proof positive of my great voting record, and as a member of the Assembly Labor Committee, for defending small business and free enterprise in New Jersey,” said Space. “I voted against Democrat tax increases on small businesses in the past voting session, and during my first term worked with Commissioner Wirths to see my legislation enacted to make reforms to the Unemployment Trust Fund to save money for both employers and employees.
“We need fewer regulations on businesses in order to keep them here or trying to entice others to move to New Jersey,” Space added. “Our State is too over-regulated. I have proposed legislation to fast track permits; remove barriers to economic growth in the Highlands; to prohibit new regulations on manufacturing facilities for 10 years; and to permanently prohibit COAH fees on new businesses.”
Former Labor Commissioner Hal Wirths, who is Space’s running mate for Assembly, was pleased to receive the endorsement as a challenger for an open Assembly seat.
“As Labor Commissioner, I was able to accomplish the most reform against fraud, waste, and abuse and lower taxes out of any department, Wirths said. “I fought the bureaucratic establishment to save the Unemployment Trust Fund from bankruptcy.
“We made New Jersey a national leader in combating unemployment insurance fraud, preventing nearly $700 million in benefits fraud and recovering more than $100 million in benefits paid out improperly, Wirths stated. “These measures will ensure that the Trust Fund remains solvent.
“We eliminated a $213 million federal tax hike that New Jersey employers were facing in January 2014. And because of the growing health and solvency of the Trust Fund, New Jersey employers have realized $380 million in tax relief – the largest single unemployment tax reduction in New Jersey history. I want to thank NEW JOBS for recognizing my record and acknowledging that I will be hitting the ground running to make New Jersey a better place to own a business, employ our residents and fight against the liberal Democrat agenda against free enterprise.”
Steve Oroho, Parker Space and Hal Wirths were already endorsed by the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs PAC (ANJRPC-PAC), the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance (NJOA), and New Jersey Right to Life State PAC (NJRTL-State PAC).