Oroho/Space/Wirths Statement on Reversed Brewery Regulations
October 2, 2018, 6:10 pm | in
Oroho/Space/Wirths Statement on Reversed Brewery Regulations
District 24 legislators Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Parker Space, and Assemblyman Hal Wirths issued the following statement regarding the suspension of recently unveiled brewery regulations by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC):
“This is welcome news. Suspending these burdensome rules will offer government and industry leaders the ability to re-work regulations so breweries can successfully operate in this state. Our ultimate goal should be to support our businesses while allowing residents to continue to enjoy craft breweries as they grow in popularity. We can, and should, get this right without pitting certain industries against one another. We stand ready to work with our legislative colleagues on a viable solution.”