Oroho: Time to Act on “Path to Progress” Reforms to Address Local Government Waste Identified in SCI Report

Oroho: Time to Act on “Path to Progress” Reforms to Address Local Government Waste Identified in SCI Report
Senator Steven Oroho (R-24) said a new report by the State Commission of Investigation (SCI) on waste and abuse in local public employee compensation and benefits demonstrates the need to advance “Path to Progress” reforms.
“Sadly, the SCI’s scathing report on outrageous compensation schemes offered by some local governments is not surprising,” said Oroho, the Senate Republican Budget Officer. “These are the same abuses that our bipartisan workgroup targeted for reform in the solutions we offered to lower the cost of government.”
The SCI report highlighted the millions of dollars that some towns continue to spend on terminal leave and unused sick leave payments to retiring public employees, and workarounds utilized in some municipalities that allow local government workers to circumvent existing caps on payouts.
Oroho served as co-chair of the bipartisan Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup, which included legislators and policy experts from inside and outside of government. The workgroup developed a “Path to Progress” report which offered recommendations to make all levels of New Jersey government more affordable by addressing unsustainable public employee pension and benefit costs.
The governor has not endorsed any of the bipartisan legislative proposals to cut billions from the cost of public employee health benefits, pensions, or retirement payouts.
“I sincerely hope the governor and all elected officials will read the SCI report and finally understand the need to advance the common-sense reforms we have proposed,” added Oroho.