Oroho Welcomes Opportunity on New Manufacturing Caucus 

Oroho Welcomes Opportunity on New Manufacturing Caucus

As the newly formed Legislative Manufacturing Caucus undertakes its first meeting today, Senator Steve Oroho (R-Sussex, Warren, Morris) said he was ready to get to work to help make New Jersey a better place to do business.

“This is an incredible chance for us to work on a bipartisan basis along with business leaders to develop strategies and policies that will invigorate our state’s manufacturing industry,” Senator Oroho said. “A strong manufacturing industry means more well-paying jobs for our residents.”

The new Caucus will be tasked with exploring new legislation and strategies to make New Jersey more competitive for manufacturers so they can expand or choose to locate their businesses in the state.

Legislators will work with the New Jersey Business & Industry Association and other business leaders in order to identify ideas and proposals for the Legislature to consider in its mission to improve manufacturing opportunities in the Garden State.

“We need to continue our collective efforts to rebrand our state from its negative perception as a place that is unwelcome to business and capital investment,” Senator Oroho said. “Being part of this Caucus gives us the opportunity to pinpoint what these job creators need so they can grow and thrive in New Jersey.”

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