O’Scanlon, DiMaso & Scharfenberger Call Toll Hike Vote “Unconscionable”

O’Scanlon, DiMaso & Scharfenberger Call Toll Hike Vote “Unconscionable”
Senator Declan O’Scanlon, Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, and Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) today condemned New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s vote to approve a toll hike along the Turnpike and Parkway.
“It is completely astounding that the Turnpike Authority believed they should move forward with this toll hike process. We are in the midst of a pandemic. Loved ones have been lost. People have been confined to their homes for more than two months. Hundreds of thousands are currently worrying about whether their businesses will be able to reopen in time for their livelihood to be saved.
“It does not matter whether or not someone believes that a toll increase is necessary. Because the ultimate issue is that proceeding with a policy that requires public hearings during a pandemic is ridiculous and offensive.
“Currently, people are completely occupied worrying about their health, lives, and livelihoods. Over a million residents have applied for unemployment. To move forward with a proposed toll hike is truly unconscionable.”