Pallone on Updated TrumpCare CBO Score

Pallone on Updated TrumpCare CBO Score


Washington, D.C. – Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) released the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued an updated score detailing the effects of TrumpCare:


“The updated CBO score confirms that the changes Republican leaders made to TrumpCare earlier this week only made this disastrous bill worse.  President Trump and Congressional Republicans are not leveling with the American people when they say ‘no one will be worse off’ under TrumpCare.  The bill costs more money than the previous version, but CBO still concludes that 24 million will lose their health insurance.  If Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act millions will see their care rationed by cuts to Medicaid, premiums will increase by as much as 20 percent than under current law, and older Americans will pay five times as much for their coverage as younger people.  This report also demonstrates how TrumpCare cuts taxes for corporations and the wealthy at the expense of hardworking Americans and our nation’s seniors. 

“It would be reckless and irresponsible for Speaker Ryan to bring this bill to the Floor.  TrumpCare is a cruel bill that should be defeated.”

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