Pallone on Senate Trumpcare CBO Score

Pallone on Senate Trumpcare CBO Score


Washington, DC- Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), Ranking Member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement today after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its score on the impacts of the Senate Trumpcare bill:


“Today’s CBO report further confirms that the Senate Trumpcare bill is just as devastating as the House bill.  The nonpartisan CBO confirms that the Senate bill will rip healthcare away from 22 million people, undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and increase the costs of premiums and deductibles for working families.  CBO also confirms that this heartless bill would cut $772 billion from Medicaid, stripping healthcare from millions of Americans and rationing care for seniors in nursing homes, pregnant women and children. 


“Cosmetic changes will not change the fact that Trumpcare showers massive tax breaks on the wealthiest Americans while forcing millions of hardworking Americans to pay more for health insurance for significantly less care.  This CBO score should serve as a wake-up call to wavering Senate Republicans that millions of Americans will suffer and some will lose their lives if this mean-spirited proposal becomes law.”

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