Pallone Visits Coworking & Collaboration Hub in Oceanport for Startup Day 2017


Long Branch, NJ-  Today in Oceanport, NJ, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) toured the Fort Monmouth offices of Vi Hubs for Startup Day Across America. Vi Hubs is a collaborative hub for creative problem solvers, business leaders, and technologists. Congressman Pallone heard from the leaders of Vi Hubs and startups that use its facilities about how they are solving problems through innovation and what they need to grow and succeed.

“In today’s 21st-century economy, start-up companies are a driving force for American job creation, and I am especially pleased that Fort Monmouth is home to so many entrepreneurs,” said Congressman Pallone.  “I want to thank Vi Hubs for the opportunity to visit and for their work supporting the growth of start-ups and the young entrepreneurs creating these new jobs.  In Congress, we must recognize the importance of this emerging sector of the economy and craft policy that addresses the challenges they face.”

Pallone is the Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over issues affecting start-up businesses, such as telecommunications and access to broadband. The Congressman has been a leader in fighting the Trump administration’s attempts to roll back net neutrality. Net Neutrality is crucial to ensure that small businesses and startups have the same internet access speeds as large corporate interests

‘Start Up Day Across America’ is a bipartisan effort to raise awareness about the important economic role start-ups play, and to provide local entrepreneurs with an opportunity to interact with their representatives.

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