Pallotta Slams BCRO’S Back Room Deal

Pallotta Slams BCRO’S Back Room Deal
MAHWAH – Today, Frank Pallotta, Republican Candidate for New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District, made the following statement in response to Bergen County Republican Organization (“BCRO”) Chairman Jack Zisa’s unilateral decision to award the line to perennial loser and indebted candidate John McCann:
“I am appalled that Jack Zisa would exploit a global crisis to unceremoniously award his buddy John McCann the Republican line. Under the circumstances, there is no reason why this matter could not have been decided fairly in an open primary, allowing all Bergen Republicans to have a voice. Our campaign has the resources and the grassroots energy on its side, which is why this shady, backroom deal was done.”
He continued: “We will be marshaling our energy to creating our own slate because we think New Jersey’s Fifth District Republicans deserve more than just another suicide mission from a failed candidate who failed to meaningfully campaign or raise any money.”