Paramus Republicans: Paramus Democrats Put Nepotism Above Public Safety

PARAMUS, NJ -- Paramus Democrats have chosen nepotism over the safety of residents. On Friday, March 27, 2020, Democratic Councilmembers Bellinger, Verile, and Tedesco-Santos voted down a resolution brought forth by Republican Councilmembers to move forward with conditional offers of employment to hire nine police officers in Paramus.
The Democrats refused to vote for the hiring unless the Republicans agreed to include the son of an elected Paramus public official. This decision has prevented the Borough of Paramus from backfilling for a number of positions that are much needed to ensure public safety during the pandemic.
Following the attempt to hire a Democrat Councilmember's husband last year, Councilman Chris DiPiazza introduced an anti-nepotism ordinance which Democrats have refused to pass. Instead, they are now jeopardizing public safety in another attempt to grant borough positions to their family members. "This is truly a new low for Democrats in Paramus," said Councilman DiPiazza, "to block the hiring of nine needed police officers in a time of emergency unless Republicans agreed to hire a relative of an elected official is a disgrace."
Councilwoman Jeanne Weber agrees, stating, “We need to hire, as soon as possible, the necessary police officers to ensure that we are able to protect the residents of Paramus, especially considering the current public health crisis. However, I do not believe that we should hire a relative of any elected official regardless of qualifications. There are many other capable and qualified candidates to choose from. We must move on this quickly.”
Councilman Joseph Vartolone was outraged that such an issue would come up during the pandemic. "the Democrats are leveraging the crisis to impose the hiring of an elected officials’ relative”.
Republicans call on their Democratic colleagues to put politics aside and hire the nine police officers which the Borough desperately needs. To allow nepotism to impede public safety breaks the oath which Bellinger, Verile and Tedesco-Santos swore to uphold.