Parties Reach An Agreement – New Jersey Transit Meeting To Acquire Union Dry Dock To Be Canceled

Hoboken, NJ - Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018
After days of discussions, Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla, the Office of the Governor or New Jersey, and New Jersey Transit have reached an agreement concerning the Union Dry Dock property in Hoboken, New Jersey. The agreement will result in the cancellation of tomorrow’s emergency meeting of the New Jersey Transit Board of Trustees, where New Jersey Transit intended to acquire this property and immediately lease it back to New York Waterway to use as a ferry refueling, repair, and maintenance facility.
“I am glad the meeting is being canceled and we now have an opportunity to find a use for the land through an open and public process,” said Mayor Bhalla. “It is still my goal to provide a contiguous waterfront in Hoboken, and I look forward to working with the Governor’s office, New Jersey Transit, and New York Waterway to make this a reality and find a reasonable alternative location for the fueling and maintenance site.”
A poll shows nearly 92 percent of Hoboken residents said the land should become a park. The previously scheduled meeting, which was scheduled shortly before a holiday weekend, would have taken place during a week day afternoon while many Hoboken residents are away for Spring Break.
As part of the deal to cancel the meeting, Bhalla agreed to formally end eminent domain proceedings and withdraw the offer to buy the land. A resolution and ordinance detailing this action has been added to the Hoboken City Council agenda for their regularly scheduled meeting on April 4.
“This resolution is the latest in a series of good-faith efforts on our part to cooperate with all parties,” said Bhalla. “I thank Governor Murphy for working with me to ensure an open and transparent process.”
Officials are considering alternative locations in Bayonne, which has expressed interest in housing the proposed facility, for New York Waterway to use.