Pascrell Denounces Trump Labor Day Slur on Trumka

Pascrell Denounces Trump Labor Day Slur on Trumka

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-09) condemned Donald Trump for his Labor Day attack on AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumka.

“What does Donald Trump know about Labor Day? He hasn’t worked an honest day in his life. He scammed union laborers who built his crummy casinos. Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about working Americans. His fake populist campaign is the greatest political fraud ever foisted on this nation. Trump jammed into law a grotesque tax scam that takes money from the middle class and lavishes it on big business so executives can reap stock buybacks. Trump is forcing working people to foot the bill for rounds of golf at his own clubs and stuffing their money into his pockets. Richard Trumka safeguards the livelihoods of over 12 million members. He’s done more for workers than Donald Trump ever will.

“Working men and women, often underpaid or unpaid, built this country with their bare hands. Their hard work erected our cities, and the dedication of unions brought us progressive reforms that remade society for the better. The forty-hour work week, a ban on child labor, safe work requirements – we owe them all to unions. American ingenuity will be powered by working people and organized labor long after Donald Trump has mercifully left the scene.”


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