Pascrell, King Resolution Designates September as Campus Fire Safety Month
Pascrell, King Resolution Designates September as Campus Fire Safety Month
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Reps. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) and Peter King (R-NY-02), co-chairs of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, introduced H.Res.528, a resolution designating September as Campus Fire Safety Month to raise awareness about the importance of fire safety on college campuses.
“As millions of students are preparing to return to school, now is the ideal time reiterate our commitment to educating young people about fire safety,” said Rep. Pascrell. “Safety is paramount, but without education on the matter, safety is lost. This resolution highlights the need for students, parents, and educators to understand the risks of campus fires as well as the measures they can take to both prevent and escape a dangerous situation if one should arise. While this resolution is just a start, it speaks to our larger safety initiative and our commitment to saving lives through education wherever possible.”
““It is imperative students not only understand the danger and devastating damage of campus fires but possess the knowledge and tools to protect themselves and others from them,” said Rep. King.
"Raising awareness about the importance of campus fire safety is vital," said Ed Comeau, founder of Campus Firewatch. "This resolution helps to focus attention on the tragic loss of life at schools across our nation and provides an opportunity for students, parents and communities to come together and make a change. We all appreciate Congressman Pascrell's leadership and dedication to this effort over the years and remember that Fire is Everyone's Fight!"
In 2008, the Higher Education Opportunity Act became law with provisions from the Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act introduced by Rep. Pascrell and the late-Sen. Lautenberg. This law requires schools to make an annual report to the Department of Education on fire safety data including the number of campus fires and cause of each fire, number of injuries related to fires, and policies on smoking, open flames, and portable electrical appliances.