Pascrell Reacts to New York Times Report of Trump Family Fraud

Pascrell Reacts to New York Times Report of Trump Family Fraud

13,000-word investigation exposes shocking chronicle of Trump misconduct

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09), New Jersey’s only member on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, reacted to the exposé published by the New York Times today on the history of tax fraud by Donald Trump and his family.

“We must see Trump’s tax returns to know just how far and how deep the crimes go. This Trump exposé paints a portrait of a man whose entire professional life was built on his father’s money, skirting accountability, and ‘outright fraud.’ These reporters have built a mountain of evidence showing that the Art of the Deal and The Apprentice were malignant myths. I have led efforts to obtain Trump’s tax returns using Ways and Means Committee authority, and Republicans have now voted 19 times against doing so. I have been asking: What are they hiding? Today, we have stunning new clues. Donald Trump has spent decades violating our nation’s tax laws to shield his malfeasance. But even without today’s report, the proof of Trump’s fraud is overwhelming. And yet, congressional Republicans continue to be Trump’s bodyguard. As the Times shows yet again, it is time once and for all for Americans to see what it is in the Trump tax returns. Sooner or later, they will come out. And sooner or later, we will know the depth of Trump’s corruption.”

Rep. Pascrell has been Congress’s most vocal proponent of releasing President Trump’s tax returns in order to reveal any potential conflicts of interest. Since February 2017, Pascrell has led the call for the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means to invoke Section 6103 of the tax code to obtain Trump’s tax returns. Pascrell believes that exposing the tax returns to sunlight is critical to revealing any potential conflicts of interest, including those with Russian entities. Republicans have voted 19 times to block Democratic resolutions seeking the tax returns.


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