Pascrell Statement on the Omnibus Bill

Pascrell Statement on the Omnibus Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) released the following statement regarding the Omnibus bill:

“With reservations, I voted in favor of the Omnibus because it provides the seed money to finally commence work on the Gateway Tunnel project. Gateway is of decisive importance to the future of New Jersey and the Northeast. Our ability to realize it compelled Congress to pass this bill.

“This is not the perfect deal. But it’s a start, and it will get shovels in the ground on a new tunnel. I have concerns that the administration may try again to block Gateway. The delegation will have to keep the pressure on. I won’t let them forget our region’s needs.

“The Omnibus provides strong funding for important priorities including the Urban Area Security Initiative, the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program, the COPS Hiring Grant program, and the Assistance to Firefighter Grants program. The support secured for these and other programs are great victories for our homeland security, community safety, and first responders.

“The process through which this bill was written demonstrates, once again, that the House must abandon its fits-and-starts leadership and return to regular order. As it was with the GOP attempts to repeal the ACA, the tax scam bill, and now with this legislation, a massive bill was dropped on our shoulders at the last minute. Repeatedly voting on major legislation at the drop of a hat is no way to run a nation. It is government by chaos.

“Finally, this bill does not stabilize the Affordable Care Act marketplaces from the sabotage inflicted by Trump. Nor does it this alleviate the cruel position Trump has foisted upon Dreamers. I voted against the closed process the Republicans set up for this bill to allow votes on these critical priorities. I continue to demand Republicans bring the DREAM Act to the floor. We cannot keep playing so callously with the lives of millions of our citizens.”

Select Programs Funded in the Omnibus

·         $415.5 million for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program. This represents an increase of $19.5 million from the FY2017 budget. The Byrne JAG program allows states and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crimes based on their own local needs and conditions.  Grants can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice in a host of areas. Rep. Pascrell has led efforts to ensure Byrne JAG is adequately supported in the federal budget.

·         $225.5 million for the COPS Hiring Grant program. This represents an increase of $31 million from the FY2017 budget. Since its inception, the COPS Office has placed more than 130,000 sworn law enforcement officers in communities across the country by providing grants for the hiring of officers. These grants provide federal resources to communities with public safety needs that may lack the funds to hire law enforcement officers. For years, Rep. Pascrell has been a leader in supporting the COPS program.

·         $350 million for the Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG) program and $350 million for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants program, as well as a waiver that will make it easier for communities in New Jersey and elsewhere to retain firefighters. Congress created these grant programs to help address the significant staffing, equipment, training, and health and safety needs of fire departments. The SAFER Grant program provides funding to cover the costs associated with hiring personnel to maintain safe staffing levels. The AFG program makes funds available for fire departments to purchase equipment, provide training, and meet other fire department needs. In 1999, Rep. Pascrell introduced the Firefighter Investment and Response Enhancement (FIRE) Act, the first comprehensive legislation dedicated to meet the special needs of America’s volunteer, paid, and part-paid fire departments. Rep. Pascrell also originally sponsored the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) legislation, which became law in 2003.

·         $60 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSPG). This represents an increase $35 million from the FY2017 budget. The NSGP program was designed to provide physical target hardening measures to protect against the threats the Department of Homeland Security has identified as of most concern to at-risk nonprofit institutions. Rep. Pascrell has long been an advocate for the Homeland Security Preparedness Grant programs, specifically the NSPG. In April 2017, Rep. Pascrell led a bipartisan letter signed by 111 Congressional Members urging adequate funding for the NPSG program to counter a spate of anti-Semitic threats across the nation.

·         $11.32 million for the Traumatic Brain Injury state grant program. This represents an increase of $2 million from the FY2017 budget. Since coming to Congress, Rep. Pascrell worked to advance brain injury policy on Capitol Hill. Pascrell founded and co-chairs the Congressional Brain Injury Trask Force. The Task Force works to increase awareness of brain injury in the United States, supports research initiatives for rehabilitation and potential cures, and strives to address the effects these injuries have on families, children, education, and the workforce.

·         Expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit by 12.5% and improved flexibility for the credit to provide for more affordable homes for the lowest income families. Rep. Pascrell has long pursued affordable housing solutions. This Congress, Pascrell has co-sponsored H.R. 1661, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, to strengthen the housing credit.

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