Pascrell Supports Emergency Coronavirus Assistance


Pascrell Supports Emergency Coronavirus Assistance

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today voted in favor of a legislative package of emergency funding and assistance to help American workers and families cope with the coronavirus epidemic.

“In times of great crisis, decisive leadership is essential to guiding a nation across tumult. Today, the House of Representatives is providing exactly that leadership,” said Rep. Pascrell, New Jersey’s only member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. “Parents with children at home need food, our badly stretched health workers need more equipment and aid, workers need paid family and medical leave, and millions of our neighbors desperately need free testing. Our emergency legislation provides these life-saving necessities to help Americans meet the challenges ahead. Mitch McConnell needs to bring the Senate back from its recess and pass it without haste or delay. The House will continue to take whatever actions are necessary to protect our country. The immediate days to come will be difficult for all of us as we shoulder physical, economic, and emotional burdens unprecedented for our time. By listening to our public health experts, America can overcome this challenge. We’re all in this together.”

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