Pascrell Votes to Protect Health Care from Trump and Republican Sabotage

Pascrell Votes to Protect Health Care from Trump and Republican Sabotage

Urgent bill to fortify landmark Affordable Care Act clears House


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09) today voted in support of H.R. 1425, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, legislation specially crafted to strengthen provisions of the Affordable Care Act against deliberate sabotage by Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.


“Americans’ health care is under assault by Republicans and today House Democrats moved urgently to protect it,” said Rep. Pascrell, who voted to enact the Affordable Care Act and is a longtime supporter of the landmark law and expanding it with a public option. “Even during a deadly pandemic that has killed 128,000 Americans, infections shooting up like a rocket ship into orbit, and a growing economic depression, Donald Trump and Republicans are in court, right this minute, seeking to destroy the protections provided by Affordable Care Act. Their fanatical cruelty is hard to stomach, but our legislation today would protect and bolster the Affordable Care Act against their depraved scheme.


“For ten long years, I have watched Republicans vote to steal Americans’ health care so many times I’ve lost count. They have never offered any real alternative that protects preexisting conditions because they don’t want an alternative: their end goal is stealing Americans’ health care. Today House Democrats voted to protect the Affordable Care Act because our end goal is saving Americans’ health care. Republican opposition to our bill and enthusiastic support to gut our health care law in the courts show their utter unfitness to govern. The differences between the parties could not be clearer.”


Specifically, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act will:


  • Significantly increase the ACA’s affordability subsidies


  • Negotiate for lower prescription drug prices


  • Expand coverage


  • Combat inequity in health coverage faced by communities of color


  • Crack down on junk plans


  • Preserve and strengthen protections for pre-existing conditions


A fact sheet on the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act is available here.



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