Passaic County's Preakness Healthcare Center Update

Please Note: This Update is posted on the Passaic County website, the Passaic County Facebook page
and distributed to all staff. Our social workers will distribute the Update to residents who wish to
receive it. Notification of the Update will be made on the Constant Contact email group for families who
have elected to provide their email addresses.

The impact of the Pandemic continues to affect our residents and staff. We are devastated to
report the following update since the April 4th update:

 Four residents who have been hospitalized and tested positive have passed away. We
mourn the loss of our residents and our thoughts and prayers go out to their families
and friends.
 Two resident who were admitted to the hospital are presumed positive, with test results
pending. One resident who is in the emergency room is presumed positive, with test
results pending.
 Seven residents who are presumed positive were tested at Preakness on April 6. Three
have tested positive and are at Preakness on isolation. Four test results are still pending.
 Six additional staff have tested positive and are at home in self-quarantine.

One resident who was hospitalized and tested positive was readmitted on April 6 on isolation
and returned to the hospital on April 7.

Calls are made by nursing staff to the designated representatives for residents who are directly
impacted by illness, testing or hospitalization.

Staff continue each shift to monitor all residents for any change in condition or symptoms.
Residents with changes are placed on precautionary isolation, and will be tested on-site if
clinically appropriate.

We are extremely grateful to our staff who continue to care for our residents during this
pandemic. Please keep all of our staff and residents in your prayers. We appreciate the support
of our residents and families.

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