Passed: Kean/Singer Bill Provides Families a Second Chance After a Natural Disaster

Passed: Kean/Singer Bill Provides Families a Second Chance After a Natural Disaster

The New Jersey Senate has passed legislation sponsored by Senator Tom Kean and Senator Robert Singer that would provide a streamlined reciprocity process for out-of-state professional and occupational licensing for individuals displaced from a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Maria.

A bill sponsored by Senator Kean and Senator Singer would provide a streamline reciprocity process for out-of-state professional and occupational licensing for individuals displaced by Hurricane Maria (FEMA)
“After the destruction of Hurricane Sandy, our families saw the horrors of trying to rebuild or relocate their lives,” Kean (R-21) stated. “Now, months after the devastation of Hurricane Maria, New Jersey has opened its arms to families from places like Puerto Rico who are in search of a new life. By streamlining the reciprocity process for skilled workers, from the hardworking electrician to a compassionate doctor, we can help people to continue their careers for which they trained for in New Jersey.”
The bipartisan legislation, S-522/A-1531, would allow individuals with an out-of-state professional or occupational licensing, which matches New Jersey’s standards, the ability to apply for a new license in New Jersey. This bill removes difficulties that a person may encounter when attempting to provide the New Jersey licensing board records that have been affected by a natural disaster.
“There are many hurdles that families displaced by Hurricane Maria or other natural disasters have to overcome, but government red tape that prevents them from working should not be one of them,” Singer (R-30) added. “We can create opportunity and a renewed start by implementing an easy process for natural disaster victims to apply for new professional or occupational licenses in New Jersey. When fleeing tragedy, grabbing paperwork should not be a requirement for our doctors or teachers.”
S-255/A-1531, also clarifies that out-of-state includes the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and other territories of possessions of the United States.
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