‘Path To Progress’ Website Launched In Support of Fiscal Reform Proposals

‘Path To Progress’ Website Launched In Support of Fiscal Reform Proposals
Provides Forum for Recommendations by the Economic & Policy Workgroup to Reduce Costs, Find Efficiencies & Maintain Fiscal Stability
Trenton – Following through on the recommendations by a blue ribbon panel that address the state’s most challenging fiscal problems, a website entitled “PathToProgressNJ: Policies To Save New Jersey” was launched today to provide a forum on the proposals to avert looming financial crises, help maintain fiscal stability, reduce the costs of government and allow the state to support vital needs and services.
The bipartisan workgroup reassessed the fairness, adequacy, efficiency and affordability of the state’s current revenue structure across all levels of government and reexamined the delivery of government services to develop its findings and recommendations.
The product of seven months of work by the 25-member panel of experts in public finances, the release of the 30 recommendations marks the first step of an ongoing process to involve stakeholders and the general public in an informed debate about how to put New Jersey on the path to progress.
The website provides a source of information on the severity of the fiscal problems that confront state and local government as well as explanations on the proposals to address them.
Go to the website: www.pathtoprogressnj.org