Patients For Affordable Drugs Action Releases Report Called ‘The Truth About Bob Hugin’
July 23, 2018, 12:35 pm | in
Patients For Affordable Drugs Action Releases Report Called ‘The Truth About Bob Hugin’
WASHINGTON, DC — A new report by the patient-led super PAC, Patients For Affordable Drugs Action, carefully examined the record of former Big Pharma CEO Bob Hugin and found a disturbing pattern of actions. Hugin, the Republican Senate candidate from New Jersey, made millions at the expense of cancer patients and taxpayers by repeatedly raising the price of a lifesaving drug and blocking competition from lower-priced generics.
The report found:
Hugin doubled the price of Celgene’s Revlimid which is essential for many blood cancer patients to stay alive.
Hugin systematically abused federal law to block a cheaper generic version of his drug from coming to market. In a rare display of bipartisanship, Congress is moving legislation to stop the abuses Hugin made famous.
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb referred to the tactics Hugin used as “unfair and exploitive,” and the FDA lists Hugin’s company Celgene as the number one offender in denying samples of drugs for generic testing and development.
Patients have suffered at the hands of Bob Hugin by going into debt, refinancing their homes, and going without food and other necessities to pay for his drug.
Hugin’s unethical practices made him $140 million, by raising prices for people on fixed incomes and milking Medicare.
“No matter how Bob Hugin tries to spin it, patients suffered incredible pain because of his unethical behavior and his unscrupulous price hikes,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Action. “Our new report details why people who care about patients, drug pricing, and stopping Big Pharma’s abuses should make sure Hugin isn’t elected in November.”